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ProImmune 代理销售

ProImmune 试剂销售销售销售销售
英国ProImmune公司是免疫学功能检测多聚体产品和服务*的。产品包括重组的MHC Class I 五聚体和CD1D四聚体,用于特异性的T 细胞免疫功能检测。广泛用于肿瘤,传染性疾病,自身免疫学疾病和移植等热门领域的基础,新药和临床研究。

  • 产品型号:英国
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2025-01-14
  • 访  问  量:804



ProImmune 试剂销售销售销售销售

ProImmune 试剂销售销售销售销售

英国ProImmune公司是免疫学功能检测多聚体产品和服务*的。产品包括重组的MHC Class I 五聚体和CD1D四聚体,用于特异性的T 细胞免疫功能检测。广泛用于肿瘤,传染性疾病,自身免疫学疾病和移植等热门领域的基础,新药和临床研究。
Pro5® I 类MHC 五聚体
用于检测抗原特异性T 细胞的*性的技术

 我们长期与Thermo Bio-rad Axygen qiagen Corning BD Promega Biotium BV targetmol merckmillipore Sigma AAT-Biolite biorbyt ENZO GE Greiner Immonoway Jackson leagene nunc Omega OmnimAbs PMG RD ZOMANBIO 聚仕隆serum 普罗麦格 金钟 Eaivelly阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI LKT Laboratories,Epigentek,Biovision,Abnova Oxoid等各*保持合作。



650 多篇出版物证实Pro5®五聚体是前沿的MHC 多聚体产品。Pro5® I 类MHC 五聚体是一项*并经证实的技术,在免疫监测、抗原特异性T细胞表征以及表位确认领域为行业者所广泛使用。在*范围的所有供应商中,ProImmune 的MHC 多聚体出版物数量的增长速度是较快的。目前已有超过700 多篇出版物引用了Pro5®多聚体的使用,其中一些文章发表在具有影响因子的杂志上,如Lancet(柳叶刀), Journal of Immunology(免疫学杂志), Journal of Experimental Medicine(实验医学杂志)和Blood(血液)。客户信赖我们详尽的实验方案和技术经验来支持并提升他们的研究工作。

如果您正在试图检测一个数量极少的抗原特异性T 细胞群,您就会理解拥有一个敏感、准确、并能产生可重复性结果的研究工具的重要性,而这正是Pro5® 五聚体所能提供的。五聚体与具有某特定特异性(由主要组织相容性复合物(MHC) 等位基因和肽的组合决定)的T 细胞受体直接结合。五聚体可用于检测和分离仅占淋巴细胞0.02% 的稀少抗原特异性CD8+T 细胞群。五聚体还适用于详细的表位表征和其他免疫监测。

与学术性和非盈利性来源的质量和稳定性均不稳定的四聚体不同,五聚体得益于优异的设计,并依照包含许多严格的质量控制步骤在内的行业标准而生产。利用五聚体技术可以获得准确且可重复的结果。Pro5®五聚体由五个MHC-肽复合物经一个卷曲螺旋结构域组合构成。借其平面构型,五聚体中的所有五个MHC-肽复合物均可用于结合互补的T细胞受体(TCR)。每个五聚体还包含高达5 个荧光或标签以实现明亮且有效的标记。相比之下, MHC 四聚体技术依赖于四面体结构的MHC-肽复合物,由于空间结构的原因,可以用于TCR 结合的MHC-肽复合物不超过3 个。

Proimmune A017-2A-G anti-human HLA A2 BB7.2 Mouse IgG2b 50 tests R-PE 50 tests ¥13,456.80

Proimmune A017-2B-G anti-human HLA A2 BB7.2 Mouse IgG2b 150 tests R-PE 150 tests ¥30,088.80

Proimmune A018-3A-G HLA-B7 BB7.1 Mouse IgG1 50 tests FITC 50 tests ¥5,367.60

Proimmune A020-5B-G anti-human CD19 SJ25-C1 Mouse IgG1 150 tests PE CY5 150 tests ¥17,186.40

Proimmune A007-3B-G anti-human CD19 LT19 Mouse IgG1 150 tests FITC 150 tests ¥14,238.00

Proimmune A020-5A-G anti-human CD19 SJ25-C1 Mouse IgG1 50 tests PE CY5 50 tests ¥6,728.40

Proimmune A003-2A-G CD8 LT8 Mouse IgG1 50 tests R-PE 50 tests ¥6,728.40

Proimmune A003-2B-G CD8 LT8 Mouse IgG1 150 tests R-PE 150 tests ¥14,767.20

Proimmune A007-3A-G anti-human CD19 LT19 Mouse IgG1 50 tests FITC 50 tests ¥5,115.60

Proimmune A003-3B-G anti-human CD8 LT8 Mouse IgG1 150 tests FITC 150 tests ¥4,838.40

Proimmune A504-5A-G CD19 6D5 Rat IgG2a 50 tests PE CY5 50 tests ¥6,728.40

Proimmune A504-5B-G CD19 6D5 Rat IgG2a 150 tests PE CY5 150 tests ¥14,767.20

Proimmune A504-3A-G CD19 6D5 Rat IgG2a 50 tests FITC 50 tests ¥3,225.60

Proimmune A504-3B-G CD19 6D5 Rat IgG2a 150 tests FITC 150 tests ¥6,728.40

Proimmune A502-3B-G anti-mouse CD8 KT15 Rat IgG2a 150 tests FITC 150 tests ¥4,838.40

Proimmune A502-3A-G anti-mouse CD8 KT15 Rat IgG2a 50 tests FITC 50 tests ¥2,696.40

Proimmune A003-3A-G anti-human CD8 LT8 Mouse IgG1 50 tests FITC 50 tests ¥2,696.40

Proimmune PX-RSV-G ProMix™ Respiratory Syncytial Virus Peptide Pool ea ¥3,494.40

Proimmune PX-CEF-G ProMix™ CEF Peptide Pool ea ¥2,867.20

Proimmune PC0ED 20-24mg >85% 20-24mg ¥388.08

Proimmune PC0EC 20-24mg >80% 20-24mg ¥340.20

Proimmune PC0EB 20-24mg >75% 20-24mg ¥294.84

Proimmune PC0EA 20-24mg >70% 20-24mg ¥226.80

Proimmune PC0DG 15-19mg >98% 15-19mg ¥675.36

Proimmune PC0DF 15-19mg >95% 15-19mg ¥446.04

Proimmune PC0DE 15-19mg >90% 15-19mg ¥413.28

Proimmune PC0DD 15-19mg >85% 15-19mg ¥352.80

Proimmune PC0DC 15-19mg >80% 15-19mg ¥315.00

Proimmune PC0DB 15-19mg >75% 15-19mg ¥252.00

Proimmune PC0DA 15-19mg >70% 15-19mg ¥189.00

Proimmune PC0CG 10-14mg >98% 10-14mg ¥609.84

Proimmune PC0CF 10-14mg >95% 10-14mg ¥405.72

Proimmune PC0CE 10-14mg >90% 10-14mg ¥372.96

Proimmune PC0CD 10-14mg >85% 10-14mg ¥309.96

Proimmune PC0CC 10-14mg >80% 10-14mg ¥272.16

Proimmune PC0CB 10-14mg >75% 10-14mg ¥231.84

Proimmune PC0CA 10-14mg >70% 10-14mg ¥178.92

Proimmune PC0BG 5-9mg >98% 5-9mg ¥509.04

Proimmune E001-4C-G 500 tests mouse CD1d loaded APC label 500 tests ¥128,800.00

Proimmune E001-4B-G 150 tests mouse CD1d loaded APC label 150 tests ¥53,088.00

Proimmune E001-4A-G 50 tests mouse CD1d loaded APC label 50 tests ¥30,688.00

Proimmune E001-2C-G 500 tests mouse CD1d loaded R-PE label 500 tests ¥122,752.00

Proimmune E001-2B-G 150 tests mouse CD1d loaded R-PE label 150 tests ¥50,624.00

Proimmune E001-2A-G 50 tests mouse CD1d loaded R-PE label 50 tests ¥29,344.00

Proimmune E000-4C-G 500 tests mouse CD1d empty APC label 500 tests ¥120,512.00

Proimmune E000-4B-G 150 tests mouse CD1d empty APC label 150 tests ¥49,280.00

Proimmune E000-4A-G 50 tests mouse CD1d empty APC label 50 tests ¥27,328.00

Proimmune E000-2C-G 500 tests mouse CD1d empty R-PE label 500 tests ¥112,672.00

Proimmune E000-2B-G 150 tests mouse CD1d empty R-PE label 150 tests ¥46,368.00

Proimmune E000-2A-G 50 tests mouse CD1d empty R-PE label 50 tests ¥24,864.00

Proimmune D002-4C-G 500 tests human CD1d negative control APC label 500 tests ¥128,800.00

Proimmune D002-4B-G 150 tests human CD1d negative control APC label 150 tests ¥53,088.00

Proimmune D002-4A-G 50 tests human CD1d negative control APC label 50 tests ¥30,688.00

Proimmune D002-2C-G 500 tests human CD1d negative control R-PE label 500 tests ¥122,752.00

Proimmune D002-2B-G 150 tests human CD1d negative control R-PE label 150 tests ¥50,624.00

Proimmune D002-2A-G 50 tests human CD1d negative control R-PE label 50 tests ¥29,344.00

Proimmune D001-4C-G 500 tests human CD1d loaded APC label 500 tests ¥128,800.00

Proimmune D001-4A-G 50 tests human CD1d loaded APC label 50 tests ¥30,688.00

Proimmune D001-2C-G 500 tests human CD1d loaded R-PE label 500 tests ¥122,752.00

Proimmune D001-2B-G 150 tests human CD1d loaded R-PE label 150 tests ¥50,624.00

Proimmune D001-2A-G 50 tests human CD1d loaded R-PE label 50 tests ¥29,344.00

Proimmune D000-4C-G 500 tests human CD1d empty APC label 500 tests ¥120,512.00

Proimmune D000-4B-G 150 tests human CD1d empty APC label 150 tests ¥49,280.00

Proimmune D000-4A-G 50 tests human CD1d empty APC label 50 tests ¥27,328.00

Proimmune D000-2C-G 500 tests human CD1d empty R-PE label 500 tests ¥112,672.00

Proimmune D000-2B-G 150 tests human CD1d empty R-PE label 150 tests ¥46,368.00

Proimmune D000-2A-G 50 tests human CD1d empty R-PE label 50 tests ¥24,192.00

Proimmune WTH-G Order handling charge cryopreserved cells per order ea ¥3,855.60

Proimmune WTH-G Order handling charge Fresh whole blood per order ea ¥3,855.60

Proimmune WTNGA-G typeHLA Tissue Typing Service - Multi-locus, Class I and II ea ¥10,256.40

Proimmune WTNGT-G typeHLA Tissue Typing Service - Multi-locus, Class II (DRB1, DPB1 and DQB1) ea ¥6,426.00

Proimmune WTNGO-G typeHLA Tissue Typing Service - Multi-locus Class I, (A, B and C) ea ¥6,426.00

Proimmune WTT-1-G typeHLA, Tissue Typing Service - Single locus, Class II, per locus (HLA-DRB1, DRB3,4,5, DPA1, DPB1, DQA1, DQB1) ea ¥2,545.20

Proimmune WTO-1-G typeHLA, Tissue Typing Service - Single locus, Class I, per locus (HLA-A, B, C) ea ¥2,545.20

Proimmune KM4B-G Streptavidin APC for 100ug ProM2® ea ¥7,511.84

Proimmune KM4A-G Streptavidin APC for 35ug ProM2® ea ¥4,076.80

Proimmune K1B-G 150 tests Pro5® Biotag (biotin label) 150 tests ¥8,724.80

Proimmune K1A-G 50 tests Pro5® Biotag (biotin label) 50 tests ¥5,152.00

Proimmune L4B-G 20-50 tests unlab. ProVE® Pent. + 20 tests Pro5® APC Fluorotag 20-50 tests ¥5,460.00

Proimmune L2B-G 20-50 tests unlab. ProVE® Pent. + 20 tests Pro5® R-PE Fluorotag 20-50 tests ¥5,250.00

Proimmune L1B-G 20-50 tests unlabeled ProVE® Pent.+ 20 tests Pro5® Biotag 20-50 tests ¥5,250.00

Proimmune L4A-G 20-50 tests unlab. ProVE® Pent. + 20 tests Pro5® APC Fluorotag 20-50 tests ¥9,870.00

Proimmune L2A-G 20-50 tests unlab. ProVE® Pent. + 20 tests Pro5® R-PE Fluorotag 20-50 tests ¥9,240.00

Proimmune L1A-G 20-50 tests unlabeled ProVE® Pent.+ 20 tests Pro5® Biotag 20-50 tests ¥9,240.00

Proimmune FCUS-G Custom Pentamer Synthesis set up charge ea ¥3,105.00

Proimmune F80C-G 500 tests unlabeled + anti-CD8 FITC 500 tests ¥105,630.00

Proimmune F80B-G 150 tests unlabeled + anti-CD8 FITC 150 tests ¥44,262.40

Proimmune F80A-G 50 tests unlabeled + anti-CD8 FITC 50 tests ¥30,324.00

Proimmune F84C-G 500 tests APC + anti-CD8 FITC 500 tests ¥124,530.00

Proimmune F84B-G 150 tests APC + anti-CD8 FITC 150 tests ¥51,710.40

Proimmune F84A-G 50 tests APC + anti-CD8 FITC 50 tests ¥35,644.00

Proimmune F82C-G 500 tests R-PE + anti-CD8 FITC 500 tests ¥116,970.00

Proimmune F82B-G 150 tests R-PE + anti-CD8 FITC 150 tests ¥49,369.60

Proimmune F82A-G 50 tests R-PE + anti-CD8 FITC 50 tests ¥33,782.00

Proimmune F81C-G 500 tests Biotin + anti-CD8 FITC 500 tests ¥116,970.00

Proimmune Fxxx-82B-G 150 tests R-PE + anti-CD8 FITC 150 tests ¥47,667.20

Proimmune Fxxx-82A-G 50 tests R-PE + anti-CD8 FITC 50 tests ¥27,552.00

Proimmune Fxxx-81C-G 500 tests Biotin + anti-CD8 FITC 500 tests ¥112,350.00

Proimmune Fxxx-81B-G 150 tests Biotin + anti-CD8 FITC 150 tests ¥47,667.20

Proimmune Fxxx-81A-G 50 tests Biotin + anti-CD8 FITC 50 tests ¥27,552.00

Proimmune Fxxx-0C-G 500 tests unlabeled 500 tests ¥95,130.00

Proimmune Fxxx-0A-G 50 tests unlabeled 50 tests ¥22,624.00

Proimmune Fxxx-0B-G 150 tests unlabeled 150 tests ¥39,793.60

Proimmune Fxxx-4C-G 500 tests APC 500 tests ¥112,980.00

Proimmune Fxxx-4B-G 150 tests APC 150 tests ¥47,028.80

Proimmune Fxxx-4A-G 50 tests APC 50 tests ¥27,328.00

Proimmune Fxxx-2C-G 500 tests R-PE 500 tests ¥105,630.00

Proimmune Fxxx-2B-G 150 tests R-PE 150 tests ¥44,049.60

Proimmune Fxxx-1C-G 500 tests Biotin 500 tests ¥105,630.00

Proimmune Fxxx-1B-G 150 tests Biotin 150 tests ¥44,049.60

Proimmune Fxxx-1A-G 50 tests Biotin 50 tests ¥24,864.00

Proimmune F81A-G 50 tests Biotin + anti-CD8 FITC 50 tests ¥33,782.00

Proimmune F0C-G 500 tests unlabeled 500 tests ¥98,280.00

Proimmune F0B-G 150 tests unlabeled 150 tests ¥41,496.00

Proimmune F0A-G 50 tests unlabeled 50 tests ¥27,664.00

Proimmune F4C-G 500 tests APC 500 tests ¥117,390.00

Proimmune F4B-G 150 tests APC 150 tests ¥48,305.60

Proimmune F4A-G 50 tests APC 50 tests ¥32,984.00

Proimmune F2C-G 500 tests R-PE 500 tests ¥109,410.00

Proimmune F2A-G 50 tests R-PE 50 tests ¥31,122.00

Proimmune F2B-G 150 tests R-PE 150 tests ¥45,326.40

Proimmune F1C-G 500 tests Biotin 500 tests ¥109,410.00

Proimmune F1B-G 150 tests Biotin 150 tests ¥45,326.40

Proimmune F1A-G 50 tests Biotin 50 tests ¥31,122.00

Proimmune Fxxx-80C-G 500 tests unlabeled + anti-CD8 FITC 500 tests ¥101,640.00

Proimmune Fxxx-80B-G 150 tests unlabeled + anti-CD8 FITC 150 tests ¥43,198.40

Proimmune Fxxx-80A-G 50 tests unlabeled + anti-CD8 FITC 50 tests ¥24,640.00

Proimmune Fxxx-84C-G 500 tests APC + anti-CD8 FITC 500 tests ¥119,700.00

Proimmune Fxxx-84B-G 150 tests APC + anti-CD8 FITC 150 tests ¥49,795.20

Proimmune Fxxx-84A-G 50 tests APC + anti-CD8 FITC 50 tests ¥29,120.00



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