品牌 | 其他品牌 | 供货周期 | 现货 |
应用领域 | 医疗卫生,食品,化工,生物产业,制药 |
BioPorto Diagnostics A/S公司成立于2001年,是丹麦一家专门生产抗体和基于抗体的各种生物产品的公司,目前公司员工有25人。公司致力于生产、销售高质量产品,并提供各种相关服务。
BioPorto拥有Bioporto Diagnostics和Antibody shop两个品牌,分别侧重于诊断试剂盒和抗体产品。在30多个国家有销售商,产品销售网络遍布,99%以上为出口销售。BioPorto Diagnostics旗下产品主要为几种临床快速诊断试剂盒,包括诊断早期急性肾损伤的NGAL ELISA kit,评估原发性免疫缺陷的MBL Oligomer ELISA kit,同时还有相关其他种属的科研用试剂盒和抗原抗体。其推出的产品有检测人体血浆中的活性蛋白C-蛋白C抑制物(APC-PCI)复合物的APC-PCI ELISA kit,高纯度人IgE单克隆抗体,以及Glucagon-like peptide-1和Exendin-4相关的单抗。目前欣博盛生物科技有限公司为丹麦Bioporto诊断公司在中国的销售商。
● 可提供检测人、大鼠、小鼠、狗、猪、猴 的NGAL ELISA 试剂盒及NGAL抗体
● NGAL Test™试剂盒是的可用于医药和外科专家进行急性肾损伤风险评估的免疫试剂
肥胖症和2-型糖尿病 提供GLP-1,Exendin-4,Glucagon,PYY,Grelin,Leptin,α-CGRP等多种单抗,可作为临检产品抗体原料
原发性免疫缺陷性疾病 (PID) ● MBL oligomer ELISA Kit:MBL在补体激活过程中显示出重要功能,缺乏MBL易致感染,故MBL成为免疫水平的一个生物标识物;Bioporto提供*的MBL oligomer ELISA试剂盒,用于检测原发性免疫缺陷病人体内功能性MBL的水平。
● 提供抗MBL,补体complement C1s,C2,C9,C3,C5,L-ficolin, H-ficolin,C3a,C3d,factor D, factor H,factor B,Properdin,Glycoprotein-340,SPA,SPD等抗体。
● 提供高纯度人IgE单克隆抗体。
● 提供多种凝血相关因子的抗体,如抗D-dimer,Aprotinin,vWF,Thrombin,Factor IX,Protein C等抗体。
● 提供针对于病毒、细菌或毒素及类毒素的抗体,如抗链球菌溶血素(Streptolysin),肉毒杆菌E类毒(Botulin E toxoid),结合分歧杆菌(Mycobacterium tuberculosis),B型流感病毒(Influenza B virus),A型流感病毒(Influenza A virus),肺炎链球菌溶血素(Pneumolysin),白喉类毒素(Diphtheria toxoid),破伤风类毒素(Tetanus toxoid),脊髓灰质炎病毒(Poliovirus)等抗体,部分抗体具有毒素中和作用,可用于细菌毒素活性研究。
● 提供针对于多种细胞外基质(ECM)蛋白的抗体,可用于多种属实验,如抗Perlecan,Vitronectin,Fibronectin,Type V Collagen,Type III Collagen,Type I Collagen,Tetranectin等抗体。
Bioporto HYB 116-03 Influenza B virus nucleoprotein 5mg ¥0.00
Bioporto HYB 010-03 Hirudin 5mg ¥0.00
Bioporto ABS 002-49 Complement component C1s (human, pro- and activated enzyme) 5mg ¥0.00
Bioporto CSI 004-18 Vitronectin (bovine, horse, rabbit) 5mg ¥0.00
Bioporto HYB 192-02 Albumin, human serum (HSA) 5mg ¥0.00
Bioporto HYB 162-04 Complement component C4 (human) 5mg ¥0.00
Bioporto HYB 109-03 Thrombin (human) 5mg ¥0.00
Bioporto HYB 338-01 Tau Protein 5mg ¥0.00
Bioporto MON U-12 Urokinase plasminogen activator (human, uPA) 5mg ¥0.00
Bioporto ABS 052-121 Ghrelin (human, rat) 5mg ¥0.00
Bioporto HYB 262-03 MDA-treated low-density lipoprotein (human, LDL) 5mg ¥0.00
Bioporto ABS 022-03 Leptin 5mg ¥0.00
Bioporto ABS 020-03 Peptide Histidine-Methionine (human, PHM) 5mg ¥0.00
Bioporto ABS 015-22 D-dimer (human, dog) 5mg ¥0.00
Bioporto ABS 013-32 Hemopexin (human) 5mg ¥0.00
Bioporto MON U-16 Urokinase plasminogen activator (human, uPA) 5mg ¥0.00
Bioporto BTE 002-08 Procollagen type I C-terminal propeptide (human, PICP) 5mg ¥0.00
Bioporto HYB 268-01 Complement factor H (human, ß1H-globulin) 5mg ¥0.00
Bioporto HYB 099-01 Ovalbumin (chicken) 5mg ¥0.00
Bioporto MON I-2-02 Plasminogen activator inhibitor type I (human, PAI-1) 200µl ¥5,950.00
Bioporto MON I-1-1 Plasminogen activator inhibitor type I (human, PAI-1) 1ml ¥27,200.00
Bioporto MON I-1-02 Plasminogen activator inhibitor type I (human, PAI-1) 200µl ¥5,950.00
Bioporto KSK 003-01-02 beta2-Microglobulin (caiman) 200µl ¥5,950.00
Bioporto KSK 003-01-1 beta2-Microglobulin (caiman) 1ml ¥27,200.00
Bioporto JST 001-38-1 APC-PCI Complex specific antibody 1ml ¥39,100.00
Bioporto JST 001-38-02 APC-PCI Complex specific antibody 200µl ¥8,670.00
Bioporto HYT 27-1 Mycobacterium tuberculosis Ag85 1ml ¥27,200.00
Bioporto HYT 27-02 Mycobacterium tuberculosis Ag85 200µl ¥5,950.00
Bioporto HYB 364-02-1 Mouse Major Urinary Protein 3 (MUP3) 1ml ¥35,870.00
Bioporto HYB 352-02-02 Filamentous Hemagglutinin (FHA) 200µL ¥7,990.00
Bioporto HYB 352-02-1 Filamentous Hemagglutinin (FHA) 1mL ¥35,870.00
Bioporto HYB 364-02-02 Mouse Major Urinary Protein 3 (MUP3) 200µL ¥7,990.00
Bioporto HYB 352-01-1 Filamentous Hemagglutinin (FHA) 1mL ¥35,870.00
Bioporto HYB 352-01-02 Filamentous Hemagglutinin (FHA) 200µL ¥7,990.00
Bioporto HYB 347-06-1 Pancreatic PolyPeptide (PP) 1ml ¥27,200.00
Bioporto HYB 347-06-02 Pancreatic PolyPeptide (PP) 200µL ¥5,950.00
Bioporto HYB 345-02-1 Cholecystokinin 26-33 (CCK-8) 1ml ¥35,870.00
Bioporto HYB 345-02-02 Cholecystokinin 26-33 (CCK-8) 200µL ¥7,990.00
Bioporto HYB 300-06-1 Poliovirus type 3 1ml ¥35,870.00
Bioporto HYB 300-05-1 Poliovirus type 3 1ml ¥35,870.00
Bioporto HYB 300-05-02 Poliovirus type 3 200µl ¥7,990.00
Bioporto HYB 295-17-02 Poliovirus type 1 200µl ¥7,990.00
Bioporto HYB 295-17-1 Poliovirus type 1 1ml ¥35,870.00
Bioporto HYB 295-15-1 Poliovirus type 1 1ml ¥35,870.00
Bioporto HYB 295-15-02 Poliovirus type 1 200µl ¥7,990.00
Bioporto HYB 294-06-1 Poliovirus type 2 1ml ¥35,870.00
Bioporto HYB 294-06-02 Poliovirus type 2 200µl ¥7,990.00
Bioporto HYB 294-02-1 Poliovirus type 2 1ml ¥35,870.00
Bioporto HYB 294-02-02 Poliovirus type 2 200µl ¥7,990.00
Bioporto HYB 290-03-02 beta2-Microglobulin (human) 200µl ¥5,950.00
Bioporto HYB 290-03-1 beta2-Microglobulin (human) 1ml ¥27,200.00
Bioporto HYB 288-05-1 Complement component C1-inhibitor (C1-INH) 1ml ¥27,200.00
Bioporto HYB 281-05-1 Serum Amyloid P component (SAP) 1ml ¥35,870.00
Bioporto HYB 288-05-02 Complement component C1-inhibitor (C1-INH) 200µl ¥5,950.00
Bioporto HYB 281-05-02 Serum Amyloid P component (SAP) 200µL ¥7,990.00
Bioporto HYB 278-17-1 Clostridium tetani toxoid (Tetanus toxoid) 1ml ¥39,100.00
Bioporto HYB 278-17-02 Clostridium tetani toxoid (Tetanus toxoid) 200µl ¥8,670.00
Bioporto HYB 261-02-1 Albumin, bovine serum (BSA, denatured) 1ml ¥27,200.00
Bioporto HYB 261-02-02 Albumin, bovine serum (BSA, denatured) 200µl ¥5,950.00
Bioporto HYB 252-08-1 Alkaline phosphatase (AP) 1ml ¥27,200.00
Bioporto HYB 252-08-02 Alkaline phosphatase (AP) 200µl ¥5,950.00
Bioporto HYB 249-10-1 Vitamin D Binding Protein (VDBP) 1ml ¥39,100.00
Bioporto HYB 249-10-02 Vitamin D Binding Protein (VDBP) 200µl ¥8,670.00
Bioporto HYB 249-05-02 Vitamin D Binding Protein (VDBP) 200µl ¥8,670.00
Bioporto HYB 249-05-1 Vitamin D Binding Protein (VDBP) 1ml ¥39,100.00
Bioporto HYB 249-02B-005 Vitamin D Binding Protein (VDBP) 50µl ¥6,630.00
Bioporto HYB 249-02-1 Vitamin D Binding Protein (VDBP) 1ml ¥39,100.00
Bioporto HYB 249-02-02 Vitamin D Binding Protein (VDBP) 200µl ¥8,670.00
Bioporto HYB 249-01B-005 Vitamin D Binding Protein (VDBP) 50µl ¥6,630.00
Bioporto HYB 249-01-02 Vitamin D Binding Protein (VDBP) 200µl ¥8,670.00
Bioporto HYB 249-01-1 Vitamin D Binding Protein (VDBP) 1ml ¥39,100.00
Bioporto HYB 246-04-1 Surfactant protein D (human, hSP-D) 1ml ¥27,200.00
Bioporto HYB 246-04B-01 Surfactant protein D (human, hSP-D) 100µl ¥9,010.00
Bioporto HYB 246-04-02 Surfactant protein D (human, hSP-D) 200µl ¥5,950.00
Bioporto HYB 245-02-1 Surfactant protein D (human, hSP-D) 1ml ¥27,200.00
Bioporto HYB 245-02-02 Surfactant protein D (human, hSP-D) 200µl ¥5,950.00
Bioporto HYB 212-01-02 Biotin 200µl ¥5,950.00
Bioporto HYB 212-01-1 Biotin 1ml ¥27,200.00
Bioporto HYB 211-02B-005 Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (human, NGAL) 50µl ¥6,630.00
Bioporto HYB 211-02-1 Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (human, NGAL) 1ml ¥39,100.00
Bioporto HYB 211-02-02 Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (human, NGAL) 200µl ¥8,670.00
Bioporto HYB 211-01-1 Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (human, NGAL) 1ml ¥39,100.00
Bioporto HYB 211-01-02 Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (human, NGAL) 200µl ¥8,670.00
Bioporto HYB 192-02-1 Albumin, human serum (HSA) 1ml ¥27,200.00
Bioporto HYB 192-02-02 Albumin, human serum (HSA) 200µl ¥5,950.00
Bioporto HYB 192-01-1 Albumin, human serum (HSA) 1ml ¥27,200.00
Bioporto HYB 192-01-02 Albumin, human serum (HSA) 200µl ¥5,950.00
Bioporto HYB 191-01-1 alpha1-Antitrypsin (human, alpha1- AT, native and denatured) 1ml ¥27,200.00
Bioporto HYB 191-01-02 alpha1-Antitrypsin (human, alpha1- AT, native and denatured) 200µl ¥5,950.00
Bioporto HYB 190-01-1 Acetylcholinesterase (human brain, bovine brain, AChE) 1ml ¥27,200.00
Bioporto HYB 190-01-02 Acetylcholinesterase (human brain, bovine brain, AChE) 200µl ¥5,950.00
Bioporto HYB 189-01-CS-02 Albumin, human serum (HSA, denatured) 200µl ¥5,950.00
Bioporto HYB 182-01-1 Mannan-binding lectin (chicken, MBL) 1ml ¥27,200.00
Bioporto HYB 182-01-02 Mannan-binding lectin (chicken, MBL) 200µl ¥5,950.00
Bioporto HYB 170-06-1 Haptoglobin (human) 1ml ¥27,200.00