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Illumina 北京

简要描述:美国进口Illumina 试剂盒
Illumina/Nextera XT Index Kit v2 Set B (96 indexes, 384 samples)/FC-131-2002/1 Ea
产品编号: FC-131-2002
美 元 价: $989.00
品 牌: Illumina
产 地: 美国
Illumina 北京

  • 产品型号:FC-131-2002
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2025-01-15
  • 访  问  量:885


规格96 indexes, 384 samples供货周期现货

Illumina 北京

Illumina 北京

美国进口Illumina 试剂盒

美国进口Illumina 试剂盒

Illumina/Nextera XT Index Kit v2 Set B (96 indexes, 384 samples)/FC-131-2002/1 Ea

产品编号: FC-131-2002

美  元  价: $989.00

品       牌: Illumina

产       地: 美国

公       司: Illumina, Inc

Product Highlights:

Fast Library Prep, Optimized for Small Genomes, PCR Amplicons, and Plasmids

Rapid library preparation – complete library prep in as little as 90 minutes with only 15 minutes of hands-on time

Fast time to results – go from DNA to data in 8 hours with our benchtop sequencers.

Optimized for small genomes, PCR amplicons, and plasmids – one library prep kit for many applications

Innovative sample normalization – eliminates the need for library quantification before sample pooling and sequencing

With Nextera technology, DNA is simultaneously fragmented and tagged with sequencing adapters in a single tube enzymatic reaction. Nextera XT supports ultra-low DNA input of only 1 ng. It enables a wide range of input samples, including small genomes, PCR amplicons greater than 300 bp, plasmids, microbial genomes, concatenated amplicons, and double-stranded CDNA.

Multiplexing of up to 384 samples per Nextera XT library is also available for those projects requiring greater throughput. Plus, the kit includes an innovative bead-based sample normalization that eliminates the need for library quantification prior to pooling and sequencing. Libraries prepared with Nextera XT kits are compatIBLe with all Illumina sequencers.

Find an up-to-date list of high-throughput automation vendors with robotic systems compatIBLe with this library preparation kit


Assay Time 90 minutes

Hands-On Time 15 minutes

Mechanism of Action Enzymatic Fragmentation

Multiplexing Up to 384 uniquely indexed samples may be pooled and sequenced together.

Input Quantity 1 ng DNA

Species Category Drosophila,Any Species,Mammalian,Mouse,Yeast,Zebrafish,Human,Rat,Plant,Nematode,Bacteria

System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,NextSeq 500,MiSeq FGx in Research Mode

Method Shotgun Sequencing,Whole-Genome Sequencing,De Novo Sequencing,16S rRNA Sequencing,Amplicon Sequencing,Targeted DNA Sequencing

Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Structural Variants

Specialized Sample Types Low Input,Single Cells

Technology Sequencing

Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots" 989.00 盒 上海易汇生物科技有限公司,是一家集研发、销售为一体的生物企业,公司专注于生命科学和生物技术领域,专业提供分子生物学、免疫学、生命科学基础研究以及临床检测等诸多领域的试剂、耗材、仪器等各类产品及生物技术服务。公司目前已销售 LKT Laboratories,MEDICOM(麦迪康),Biovision,ApexBio,阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI,Epigentek,Eaivelly,Abnova,GeneBrick等品牌。



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