品牌 | 其他品牌 | 货号 | K5011625 |
规格 | 盒 | 供货周期 | 一周 |
主要用途 | 科研实验用 | 应用领域 | 医疗卫生,化工,生物产业,制药,综合 |
名称:cfPure Cell Free DNA Extraction Kit (250 ml)
规格:1 Kit (250 ml)
cfPure® MAX Cell-Free DNA Extraction Kit
CATALOG #: K5011625MA
Species: N.A.
Applications: Extraction
BioChain's cfPure™ Cell Free DNA Purification Kit is designed for rapid and efficient isolation of circulating cell free DNA (cfDNA). This kit is specifically designed for use on samples of 5mLs volume or greater.
biochain K5011625 cfPure Cell Free DNA Extraction Kit (250 ml)
biochain K5011625 cfPure Cell Free DNA Extraction Kit (250 ml)
Product Description
BioChain’s cfPure® Cell Free DNA Extraction Kit is designed for rapid and efficient purification of circulating cell free DNA (cfDNA). The system utilizes silica-coated paramagnetic particles to purify cell free DNA from less than 1 mL to greater than 10 mL of serum or plasma. The buffers were developed to ensure efficient recovery of 100 bp – 500 bp DNA fragments in order to maximize recovery of cell free DNA. The recovered DNA is suitable for a wide range of down-stream applications, such as bisulfite sequencing, NGS, and qPCR.
cfPure® MAX 试剂盒
目录 #: K5011625MA
种类: 不适用
BioChain 的 cfPure™ 无细胞 试剂盒专为快速有效地分离循环无细胞 DNA (cfDNA) 而设计。该试剂盒专门设计用于 5mL 或更大体积的样品。
BioChain 的 cfPure® 无细胞 专为快速有效地纯化循环无细胞 DNA (cfDNA) 而设计。该系统利用二氧化硅包被的顺磁颗粒来纯化小于 1 mL 至大于 10 mL 的血清或血浆中的游离 DNA。开发缓冲液是为了确保有效回收 100 bp – 500 bp DNA 片段,从而最大限度地回收无细胞 DNA。回收的 DNA 适用于广泛的下游应用,例如亚硫酸氢盐测序、NGS 和 qPCR。