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品牌 | illumina/美国因美纳 | 货号 | FC-121-4003 |
规格 | 盒 | 供货周期 | 现货 |
主要用途 | 基因测序 | 应用领域 | 医疗卫生,化工,生物产业,制药 |
TruSeq Nano DNA HT Library Preparation Kit
TruSeq Nano DNA HT Library Preparation Kit
Illumina/TruSeq Nano DNA HT Library Preparation Kit (96 indexes in plate format, 96 samples)/FC-121-4003/1 Ea
产品编号: FC-121-4003
美 元 价: $3000.00
品 牌: Illumina
产 地: 美国
公 司: Illumina, Inc.
Library Preparation Kits "Product Highlights:
The TruSeq Nano DNA Library Preparation Kit enables efficient interrogation of samples with limited available DNA. Based on the industry’s most widely adopted library preparation workflow, this low-input method delivers high coverage quality and reduced bias for virtually any sequencing application.
Designed for low sample input
High coverage quality
Accelerated library preparation
Manual preparation of high-quality libraries in less than a day
The proven TruSeq DNA library preparation workflow has been streamlined by replacing gel-based size selection with bead-based selection, enabling researchers to prepare high-quality libraries in less than a day. It is optimized for a variety of read lengths, from 2 × 101 bp to 2 × 151 bp.
Use with limited DNA samples
The TruSeq Nano DNA protocol offers excellent results with as little as 100 ng input, eliminating the typical requirement for micrograms of DNA. This enables researchers to study samples with limited available DNA (eg, tumor samples) and helps preserve samples for use in future or alternate studies. In addition to accelerating the workflow, bead-based size selection avoids typical sample loss associated with gel-based selection.
Reduce library bias and coverage gaps
TruSeq Nano DNA kits reduce the number and average size of typical PCR-induced gaps in coverage. The enhanced workflow reduces library bias and improves coverage uniformity across the genome. These kits also provide excellent coverage of trADItionally challenging genomic content, including GC-rich regions, promoters, and repetitive regions. This enables researchers to access more information from each sequencing run. TruSeq Nano DNA kits are validated for high-quality genomic coverage for virtually any next-generation sequencing application.
Access flexIBLe throughput options
Kits include reagents, sample purification beads, and indexes, with two options for flexibility:
TruSeq Nano DNA LT Library Preparation Kits support 24-plex manual processing for low-throughput studies.
TruSeq Nano DNA HT Library Preparation Kits are 96-plex for high-throughput studies, and can be automated on liquid handling robots (or processed manually).
TruSeq Nano DNA Library Preparation Kits are also available for use with the automated NeoPrep Library Prep System.
Find an up-to-date list of automation vendors with robotic systems that support the HT library preparation kits
Assay Time 1 day
Hands-On Time 4 hours
Input Quantity 50 ng RNA,50 ng high-quality total RNA,≥ 200 ng FFPE total RNA; Recommended quantity may vary with expression level, target plexity, and sample quality
Content Specifications Choose from 400,000+ pre-designed targeted RNA-Seq assays. Or add content to a fixed panel or previously designed custom panel.
Multiplexing Up to 384 samples per sequencing run
Mechanism of Action Amplification
Method Shotgun Sequencing,Whole-Genome Sequencing,Genotyping by Sequencing
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Gene Fusions,Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH),Somatic Variants,Chromosomal Abnormalities,Germline Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Species Category Mammalian,Mouse,Human,Other,Rat,Plant
System Compatibility NextSeq 550,HiSeq 3000,HiSeq X Five,HiSeq 1000,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,HiSeq 2000,MiSeq,HiSeq X Ten,NeoPrep,HiSeq 1500,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500,HiSeq 4000
Specialized Sample Types Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Automation CapABIlity NeoPrep Digital Microfluidics,Liquid Handling Robots" 3,000.00 盒 "上海易汇生物科技有限公司,是一家集研发、销售为一体的生物企业,公司专注于生命科学和生物技术领域,专业提供分子生物学、免疫学、生命科学基础研究以及临床检测等诸多领域的试剂、耗材、仪器等各类产品及生物技术服务。公司目前已销售 LKT Laboratories,MEDICOM(麦迪康),Biovision,ApexBio,阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI,Epigentek,Eaivelly,Abnova,GeneBrick等品牌。
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